Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pocket protector

Ed Stein's commentary:
I’m still trying to get my head around how anyone can support the Republican Party in the upcoming elections. I know they have a big lead in the polls, and I understand that the party in power usually takes it on the chin when the economy is bad, and this economy is REALLY bad. Still, what has the GOP done to merit our trust? To date, opposed extending health insurance to the almost 50 million Americans without it, opposed the climate bill (Republicans supported cap and trade when it was their idea), opposed toughening offshore oil drilling regulations (even in the wake of the BP disaster), opposed extending unemployment benefits during the worst recession in our lifetime, opposed further stimulus (even though it clearly kept the economy from tanking even further), and the latest outrage, opposed transparency in campaign funding. The only thing the party has come out in favor of is extending the Bush tax cuts to the wealthiest Americans, even though that giveaway to the rich, enacted while we were fighting two unfunded wars, is largely responsible for the massive deficit the GOP now swears is our biggest problem. This is the same party, if you remember, that told us, when the tax cuts were enacted, that deficits don’t matter.
Somehow, though, they’ve persuaded a majority of Americans that they deserve another shot at wrecking the country. If you like oil in your oceans, melting ice caps and rising seas, larger deficits, greater unemployment, cuts in Social Security, Medicare and little what remains of the safety net, a shrinking middle class, the wealthy grabbing an ever larger share of the pie, and are fine with not knowing who funds political campaigns, then by all means, put these guys back in power. You’ll get what you deserve.

What can I add to that? I agree completely. How can anyone still support the Republican Party? They nearly destroyed our country during the Bush years,... and they haven't changed their policies one bit! Meanwhile, they're doing their best to keep the Democrats from accomplishing anything productive, because they know that ignorant voters will blame the party in power when things are bad.

So, not only has the GOP nearly destroyed our economy, our military, our system of government, our honor, and our national reputation, they're trying to make things even worse, just to advance their own political ambitions. Frankly, I don't know how Republican politicians - not to mention everyone working for Fox "News" - can look in a mirror these days. And I really don't understand how these cynical tactics could possibly be working!

But I disagree about one thing. Those Americans who vote to put these people back in power - not to mention those too lazy or apathetic to vote at all - may deserve what they get, but I don't. Nor do all the other sane people in America. Unfortunately, we're all in this together.

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